NRSC delegation participated in the workshop on development of computational tools for nuclear materials management held from 20 to 21 June 2015 in Almaty, Kazakhstan. NRSC presented and demonstrated its own development – NUCMAT software that allows performing the nuclear material accounting both at the state and at the facility/LOF levels as well as generating the accounting records (GL, PI) and reports (IRC, PIL, MBR). Questions, suggestions and concerns addressed to NRSC delegation followed the presentation of NUCMAT. Besides, on June 22, 2015 NRSC delegation visited the Nuclear Physics Institute in Almaty to discuss and establish scientific cooperation to investigate accident tolerant fuel properties. NRSC delegation visited the experimental facilities of the Nuclear Physics Institute, namely, research nuclear reactor, critical stand, material science laboratory and plasma coating laboratory and familiarized with the capabilities and experience of the staff in relation to investigation of fuel rod cladding materials. The decision has been made to develop joint proposals for common research projects.
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