The use of nuclear technologies for peaceful purposes has always been encouraged in Armenia, both during the Soviet era and now. Since the 1950s, Armenia has been effectively using this technology in a wide range of fields, such as energy, medicine, agriculture, industry and scientific research. Despite its advantages, the generated radioactive waste management is a significant challenge requiring an integrated approach to ensure both safety and sustainability.
The Government of the Republic of Armenia considers the use of nuclear energy and technologies to be one of the pivotal elements of economic development. Accordingly, the Government is conducting studies on the construction of new nuclear power plants, considering both high-power reactors, and small-power and modular reactors, taking into account economic, infrastructural and compatibility with the energy system of Armenia. In the Republic of Armenia, the largest amount of radioactive waste is generated as a result of the Armenian NPP operation, and will also be generated during the decommissioning of the NPP. A relatively small amount of radioactive waste (institutional-type waste) is generated also from non-nuclear applications, such as science, industry, healthcare and other sectors.
Radioactive waste generated during the operation of the Armenian Nuclear Power Plant and expected after its decommissioning, as well as institutional-type waste, requires safe and effective management to avoid long-term environmental risks and not leave an unnecessary burden on future generations. Thus, it is necessary to create a safe, reliable and flexible system for managing all types of radioactive waste accumulated and to be generated in the country, which will require the development and upgrade of the necessary infrastructure for long-term and safe management of radioactive waste, including the creation of a comprehensive legal framework.
The Republic of Armenia has developed a Strategy for the Safe Management of Radioactive Waste, which includes:
• Establishment of a National Operator, a body under the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure, responsible for long-term management of radioactive waste;
• Introduction and implementation of the “polluter pays” principle, creation of a special “off-budget” account;
• Implementation of measures to keep the generation of radioactive waste at the lowest possible level, as well as strengthening the control over it;
• Study of the possibility of disposing of the radioactive waste in geological formations;
• Improvement of the system for the processing and storage of radioactive waste, personnel training and development/upgrade of radioactive waste electronic recording system.
For the implementation of the provisions stipulated in the strategy, a working group comprised of professionals specialised in radioactive waste management was formed by the Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure, in 2020. The aim of the group is to facilitate the implementation of the Strategy provisions for the Safe Management of Radioactive Waste in the Republic of Armenia. Work has begun on upgrading radioactive waste management systems at the Armenian NPP, as well as improving the overall legislative framework. The establishment of a National Waste Management Operator is of vital importance.
Many countries operating nuclear power plants (e.g. Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria, France, etc.) have a special organisation, the National Operator, which deals with the radioactive waste long-term and sustainable management related issues. The National Operator coordinates and organises the collection of financial resources necessary for the management of radioactive waste, scientific and investment work activities, human resources management and recruiting, construction of various radioactive waste management facilities, etc.
In different international platforms (IAEA), the Republic of Armenia is asked regarding steps aimed at organizing the long-term and sustainable radioactive waste management system in the Republic of Armenia. This is also a request from the Conventions ratified by the Republic of Armenia and the IAEA safety standards.
Therefore, the creation of a National Operator is a necessary and priority step that should be implemented by the Government of the Republic of Armenia and the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure, contributing towards having the long-term safe management system of existing and emerging radioactive waste in Armenia, as well as meeting the requirements of international conventions, IAEA safety standards, relevant EU directives, and regulatory requirements in force in the Republic of Armenia.