Radiation Safety Group (RSG)

Radiation Safety Group’s expertise covers the areas of radiation safety, radiation protection and security, environmental radiation monitoring. The group’s activities are:

  • radiation protection and shielding calculations,
  • radiological consequence assessment of radionuclides released to the environment,
  • security systems’ assessment and upgrade in the organizations using ionizing radiation sources,
  • workplace and source monitoring,
  • γ-spectrometry, X-ray testing and quality control,
  • personal radiation monitoring,
  • environmental monitoring,
  • assessment of radioactive waste safe management practice, and
  • training in the field of radiation safety and protection.

The Radiation Safety Group is able to develop regulatory documents, procedures and guides on radiation safety and radiation protection, on security of ionizing radiation sources, and on radioactive waste management.

For radiation protection and shielding calculations the Radiation Safety Group used MercuRad code and another code based on MCNP Monte Carlo method: MercuRad code allows to simulate sources with certain geometry.

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